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Martin & Seibert, L.C. is dedicated to the communities we serve. Our attorneys balance professional ability with community service, political leadership, and numerous other volunteer endeavors.

For example, our senior shareholder, Clarence "CEM" Martin, III, is president of the Berkeley County Roundhouse Authority, which has raised millions of dollars to restore and revitalize the historic B&O; Roundhouse Complex in Martinsburg. The preservation of these buildings, which are renowned for their significance to our industrial and railroading heritage, is an example of how activism and perseverance can pay big dividends.

By their involvement and leadership, the firm's attorneys don't just serve the community, they are part of it.

Some of the community projects that we were honored to assist with in the last year:

  • City Hospital's Gateway Classic
  • March of Dimes
  • Berkeley County Roundhouse Authority
  • Mountain State Apple Harvest Festival
  • Shenandoah Women's Shelter
  • C-CAP Loaves and Fishes Food Bank
  • The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
  • Potomac Valley Audubon Society
  • Alzheimer's Association
  • Berkeley County Humane Society
  • Berkeley County Strings
  • Scarborough Society of Shepherd University
  • Make-a-Wish Foundation
  • Girl Scouts of the Shawnee Council


Copyright 2010 Martin & Seibert, L.C.